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About US


In September of 2014, two families of the modern church asked the question, "Why?"  It's a question we familiarized ourselves with at that age of 2, but somewhere along the way lives became hectic and we started accepting the norm.  However before we dive into the "why", a little more history is needed.


The corner church in America has always been a great way to bring people in to hear the Gospel.  Often times, it's where we first discovered Christ, learned our favorite Gospel song, attended their special programs or had that spiritual experience that forever changed our lives.  


As great as the corner church can be, it can be a place where we become weary in well doing. In addition, all too often the place that we once perceived as a place of rest and restoration for our souls can become an institution of rules, processes, and politics.  Sound familiar?  This isn't to say there aren't awesome corner churches out there who are reaching their communities, giving people an opportunity to choose Jesus. 


However, let's look further.  The scripture states, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21.  The Church is not exempt from this scripture.  A study of 1,168 church leaders in America reported how their treasure is spent.


  • 38% toward salaries and wages

  • 12% toward buildings/facilities

  • 8% toward utilities

  • 7% toward ministries and support


If the scritpure in Matthew is true, can you see where the heart of the average church is?  But H2H needs to be placed under a maginifying glass too.  Here is how House To House spends its treasure:


  • 95% is returned to the people (class materials, children, community, encouragement) - no salaries

  • 5% towards rainy day fund 


Do you see a difference?  The reason for this is we believe Jesus belongs in each of our homes, not on the corner of every major block in America.  While salary is important to over 1,000 churches in America, the pastors of H2H receive no salaries, they work full time jobs and still find time to care for the people. The reason we can do that is because we keep church simple.


The modern church is doing a great job competing with the world for entertainment value.  It is getting bigger and better at concerts, graphics, slogans, and marketing in general.  The modern church has created its marketplace, and just like any corporation, it is competing for market share.  While this sounds good at first glance, is this the reason for the bride of Christ, His Church?  The response is, "But we mean well."  However, so did Cain when he brought an offering to God, but that offering wasn't accepted.  The point here behind the answer to our "why" is that the we want to stay focused on what matters most; Jesus, who will change our lives if we let Him.


H2H was founded on the belief that church should be simple and something we want to be a part of for the right reasons.  Church shouldn't feed egos, but feed the soul.  While #ILMC and statements like "my church is better than yours"  are pervasive in the social network, you have to wonder, is that something Jesus instructed us to feel about our relationship with Him and His church.  So, after prayer, fasting, and a great deal of thought, H2H was born to bring the local church back to simplicity, to its roots, to its purpose.  


For nearly 2 years, H2H has been keeping church simple by meeting in a home in Corona, CA.  When we started, we had dreams of multiple homes in Corona; spreading out like a web as more homes participated.  However, as God so often does, He had other plans.  Within months people began to ask questions about H2H in our places of work.  Weekly, H2H produces a newsletter that captures the life of H2H along with the messages that are taught.  This newsletter has introduced people to H2H and now people are joining us for lessons, having discussions through social media, and believe it or not, people are giving their lives to Jesus. While we had our plans for Corona, God is going house to house in ways we never expected.  It's really simple, H2H exists to share the love of Jesus Christ one house at a time.

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